Do you remember back in March of 2016, when I bought these two cute little fig trees? And then a friend shortly thereafter gave me a small tree from his farm, that he had started as a cutting, leaving me with three awesome little fig trees to fuss over.
And fuss I did, you might also remember how last November I panicked about Winterizing the Fig Trees with the hope they would survive until this year?
Well, I finally nervously uncovered them out from under their heavy mulch winter blankets and guess what?
They all made through winter! (Happy dance)
Now, if Mother Nature is kind, there will be fresh figs for me to savor sometime in August. If...If…If…
This Fig plant you see below, I had to forced down to lay flat in order to cover it completely with the mulch, so I’m using a stone to slowly force it back upright again.
Here is is just one week later….. See the difference in growth already? And its looking more upright.
Even the smallest fig plant that I surely didn’t think would survive is starting to bud. You have to look close for the tiny spots of green, but they’re there.
I’ll post another update in a month and we can see how much new growth they have. In the meantime, I’ll be hunting down some fabulous fig recipes : ) ~A