Pig talk…

The pig and I were having metaphysical conversations about the after-life yesterday evening.

I’m not sure she understood anything about where I was going with it all really,  my ranting, that came across as total nonsense to her mostly.

All she cared to discuss was whether there might be any more goat milk or eggs left for a late night snack.

This weekend I will be working on getting her familiar with the trailer.

I’ll be feeding her in the trailer, teaching her to be comfortable getting in and out of it so that on Tuesday, there (hopefully) won’t be any issues getting her off to the butcher.

This PIG has eaten at least twelve of my chickens (that I know of).  So I can’t say i’ll be sad hauling her off to the butcher.  Happy, actually…. I’m looking forward to stocking the freezer with fresh pork again.  After that I can start work on building the chicken flock back up… ~A