Old Gems


I found myself lucky one day to be given an old book. The book came from my stepfather, and was one of his mother’s school books she used back in 1927, when she was a Freshman attending Walnut High School in Pickaway County, Ohio.  From the looks of it, she made good use of the book, even after her school days were over, noting important events in the book such as her wedding day and who she married.




Throughout the years she continued to stuff the book with recipes from newspapers, relatives, magazines, boxes of sugar and wherever.



The book was designed for students to use in school for lessons, and at home for cooking and other home economics stuff.  It takes into consideration food value versus food cost, discusses wise food selection and thrifty buying consideration.  Good things to keep in mind in these expensive times…right?



I thought I’d share some of the recipes and and excerpts from the book, for those of you interested in those “old times” right before and leading into the Great Depression (1929-1939). Old stuff has always fascinated me.



There are some good things in this book.  Little glimpses to what life was like in the past… I’m going to try to post something from the book once each week, whether it be a recipe or an excerpt, or both.  I hope you’ll find it as amusing as I do. ~A