Updates, Goals, Misc.

Last year I was so busy and so stressed out. I completely let my cooking and eating habits go down the toilet (not literally, of course).  I was so entirely consumed with selling a rental property, my job, keeping up with the farm, and moving my the “Farm Boy” into my life that I didn’t give a rat’s ass what I shoved down my throat.  Stress will do that.

With all that going on, I also pretty much let my garden go to hell, so there wasn’t any culinary inspiration there to entice me to eat well either.

My body hates me right now.  My joints ache.  My skin and hair look like hell, and I have horribly low levels of energy.  But that’s all my fault.

So that’s my first resolution (Eat Better!), which I will refer to as a “goal”.  Because I hate the term “resolution.”  Goals are what get results.  Not resolutions.   Why? Because resolutions lack a plan. That’s why.

It’s hard to eat well when the winter sky is mostly dark, and I feel like these mutts basking on the couch, enjoying the heat from the fireplace. With full bellies. I want comfort food.  Not rabbit food.

Last night I forced my tired-ass self to make a big pot of vegetable soup with chunks of farm-raised Italian pork sausage.  It’s so good and keeps me from eating junk.  I can do this.  I’d like to lose sixteen pounds by July. This will be tough. Goals…

Other Things…

On the farm, I have a lot of things I’d like to accomplish this year.  I’d like to be more mindful and keep better records of everything so that I can track progress and forecast more accurately.  Like I said, I let things slide last year due to all the other things going on.  This year I really need to get caught up. 

At the moment, we’re on total “babe watch.”  The rabbit gave birth to a litter of 6-7 babies on December 28th.  Now I’m hoping to keep them all alive for the next four months. 

Sweet Pea

Also, Sweet Pea is definitely pregnant.  Her udder has been filling up gradually for the past month.  I have her due date guessed for this first week of January, so I’m getting really anxious.  The weather is cold, and I don’t want to walk into the barn to discover any half-frozen newborns.

And last, WordPress has changed its format so that I have to use a new program now to create posts.  Bear with me, and the posts, until I get it figured out some. 

I wish you all a great 2019 and thanks for flowing me in my crazy adventures. ~A     (Click HERE to see what I was up to last January…)