Where will we find ourselves?

Where will we find ourselves a year from now? What will life be like? The anxiety of it all is killing me.

Portabello & Pepper Sandwich

Without fail, when I’m feeling overly stressed or anxious about circumstances that are out of my control, I tend to experience these three recurring dreams.

Grilled Vegetable Sandwich

The Elevator…

In one dream, I am trapped in an elevator that is dangling by a single cable, wobbling and swaying back and forth. I will grasp hold of the metal handrail tightly, trying not to move, in an attempt to keep it steady.   But inevitably, the damn cable will snap and I’ll be sent hurling down a dark elevator shaft at a dizzying speed. I always wake up before I hit the ground.

Italian Sandwich

No Brakes…

In another dream you will find me in a vehicle, driving along.  At some point I will become dizzy, vision-blurred or lightheaded, to a point where I will need to hit the brakes to avoid colliding with something or someone before passing out.  As always, the brakes will fail to work and off I will go careening toward a ditch or a tree. But I always wake up before I crash…


The Attic…

In the last dream (or nightmare”?), I will inevitably be standing in an old abandoned house… in the attic. The smell of dampness and mold are everywhere. No big deal, right? Except that the wooden floor boards are so wet, rotted, creaky and riddled with holes that you can see right through to the next floor down.  I will then fall through the floor, but only partially, and be left barely hanging on by a couple of unbroken floor boards.  And yet again, I will wake up with my heart pounding, right before I crash to the ground.  Fun times…

Mediterranean Sandwich

The Sandwich?

So what the hell does this roasted Portabello mushroom, pepper, onion, lettuce, tomato, salami, melted provolone cheese and mayo sandwich have to do with any of these dreams?

Empty Plate


Not a damn thing. Except that when I saw my empty plate after eating my delicious sandwich, it totally reminded me of how empty I’m feeling inside lately, with all this Covid and rioting shaking up the nation (and me).  And that I should probably go and make another sandwich to distract myself from all the horrible negative media news…  ~A 

P.S. – There were some Kalamata olives in there too….

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