
I know some of you have been wondering about HIM.  You know, the one I spoke of in my last post… I’ll affectionately call him “The Farm Boy.”

The “Farm Boy,” who is actually still considered a city boy at this point (by merit), arrived safely on August 18th, late afternoon, as planned.  Now bear with me here while I go off track for a bit (my ADD…).  But don’t worry, there will be more stories, pictures and details in upcoming posts. I promise!

Let’s start by saying that one of my favorite movies of all time is “The Princess Bride.”  And you should watch it if you haven’t seen it before you read this post. The movie was released the year we first met. It reminds me of him. Or really, I guess I should say it reminds me of “us.” The movie has so many similarities to our real lives. Honest! I can prove it. Stay with me here and use your imagination…

THE PRINCESS BRIDE, Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, 1987, TM and Copyright (c) 20th Century-Fox Film Corp. All Rights Reserved

For example, when we met as teenagers back in high school, I lived on a farm, just like Buttercup did.  And now here we are, meeting again. And I live on a farm. Crazy, right? That’s all the proof you need right there folks. Oh wait, you need more proof you say? Fine…

In the movie, Farm Boy (Westley) and Buttercup have to scale The Cliffs of Insanity… But seriously though, who isn’t already doing that in their everyday lives?  *Pfft*  Wait! They also have to battle ROUSes (Rodents of unusual size).  Have you ever seen the size of the rats scurrying through my barn? Just sayin’… the similarities are eerie.

Also in the movie, Farm Boy had to face torture in The Pit of Despair.  Now this might not be exactly the same kind of torture, but I did put him to work shoveling horse shit in the ninety degree heat one day…  That counts as some form of torture, right? Oh!  And then I had him paint – on the other ninety degree day…  See?  He nearly died. Just like Westley. From torture.

He looks tortured, doesn’t he? 

And lastly, before finally being reunited with her Farm Boy after years of believing him to be dead (metaphorically speaking), I, Buttercup had to endure being married to the Princes, HumperGreek & Mexico, heirs to the thrones of nothing I’ve ever freaking desired in my life. (We all make mistakes – don’t judge).

Truthfully though, I can never say I was kidnapped by a “Brute Squad,” nor did I ever run around in full length dresses through my barnyard, but I do have four horses you could ride off into the sunset upon. And I did get the Farm Boy in the end.  So there. Proof. ~A