Last Monday almost brought tear-drops to my eyes. I was driving home from work…

Last Monday, March 12th, 6:34 p.m.:  I had just made the left turn onto my road, driving my way home from work, when I realized something. Daylight-Saving Time was now in effect. I could actually see my farm in the daylight. Yes, daylight…

Yep. There it was. Dimly lit up due to an overcast day, but still… THERE. IT. WAS!
Finally, daylight – a solid sign that winter won’t be around much longer.

Nothing is blooming or sprouting yet. And I can’t smell the earth, like I can when it starts to thaw in the spring. But I know things will start to unfold soon. The fruit trees have all been pruned. Let’s hope they bloom late enough to lessen any change of a late freeze killing off all the flowers.

Speaking of nothing… That’s what’s happening in the “goat department” right now. Nothing.

The girls’ udders are filling up, and Riley looks absolutely miserable waddling around and groaning all the time. I can’t imagine it will be much longer but I’ve clearly been proven wrong a few times already, so who know when it’ll happen? Let’s keep on waiting. That’s all that can be done.

In the meantime, I’ll be sipping wine in the evenings and listening for the spring peepers to emerge and begin their sweet song about the warm nights ahead. ~A

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March 15, 2018 12:55 PM

That’s a fine looking farm by daylight!