November Begins…

With Snow…


Halloween and October are done and gone. The first snow of the year blew in fierce, as if on cue, to celebrate the first day of November.

Halloween Porch Decorations


For me, October was consumed with a move to a new office (hence my absence), which was stressful but exciting, and pretty much kept me busy, and feeling very exhausted. Now the dust is beginning to settle, but just in time to make room for the craziness of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.


Halloween turned out to be a nice, but chilly day.  I knew I had to get as much outdoor work done as possible, so I did, because the weather forecast for Sunday was not looking pretty.


On Sunday the Farm Boy and I spent our time mostly indoors working on little projects and keeping the fire going.  One of his projects was to construct an insulated cover for the beehives in an effort to get them through the winter months and off to a good start in the spring.  Which seems so far away when I think about it…

Bee Hive Covers

He did a great job with the insulated covers and they fit the hives like a glove.  So now the bees are all tucked in for the winter.

Our honey harvest was not so stellar this year, so we made the decision to keep what we have for ourselves and to give as gifts for family over the holidays. Hopefully next year, and by adding a third hive, things will be better.

Pulling Honey

Weekend Dinners…

For dinner on Sunday, I made Tuna steaks and garlic mashed potatoes, along with a mix of capers and some of the last of the garden’s cherry tomatoes.

Tuna Steaks

I wanted to grill the steaks outdoors, but had to change my plan… Fierce wind and a fast drop in temps forced me to cook them indoors or risk hypothermia.

Tuna Steak DinnerI’m just not ready for snow yet. ~A

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