Once in a while, a chicken will give you a small glimpse into their level of intelligence…

At some point in your life you have probably wondered how smart a chicken really is. No? Seriously? I’m going to call bullshit on that… because I think you have.  I myself, have pondered this thought numerous times. Dead honest!

Once in a while, a chicken will give you a small glimpse into their particular level of intelligence. I got my little glimpse just the other day.

I was standing on the back porch drinking coffee, staring at the morning sun as it tried to burn its way through a thick haze of sweltering humidity.  And also, of course, waiting for my six dogs to pee, which is an entire weird circus on its own.  But suddenly, for reasons completely unknown, my attention diverted over to my two tiny chickens, “Fancy” and “SOS.”

Fancy, was sitting on a log minding her own business and enjoying the sunrise.  Fancy is a smart, sweet, friendly, chatty little hen, who loves to be held by humans and told how wonderful she is.  A good little chicken.

Meanwhile, SOS was hanging out at the bird bath, sweet-talkin’ a couple of house sparrows…(he’s a cocky little flirt like that).  And Mr. SOS is absolutely nothing like his girlfriend Fancy. He is not smart, not at all friendly, very cocky, and hates humans.

A few minutes later, after repeatedly striking out with the sparrow ladies, who were mostly annoyed, SOS began meandering his way over to try his flirtatious luck with Fancy.

But little did he know, he was also just about to discover a vital piece of enlightening information….

He had feet!

And this small, yet significant discovery, nearly scared the freakin’ chicken bejeesus out of the poor little feathered shit. He shrieked, stumbled a bit, nearly fell over, and then proceeded to just stand, still as a statue, in complete fear and astonishment. He wasn’t sure what to do next. ( I think he was a tad embarrassed)

Meanwhile,,,, Ms. Fancy, totally unimpressed, watched the entire spectacle unfold, then looked off in the other direction and pretended not to notice, being the sweet little bird she is.

As for Mr. SOS, he’s probably going to need chicken-therapy sessions to deal with his newly found discovery. He finally walked off, confused as a chicken possibly could be.

And now you know.  Some chickens are highly intelligent (like Fancy), and some are, well…. a little “dim.” ~A 

(Full Disclosure: This may not actually have been a true chicken story – but it is kind of, sort of true.)

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