
I’m going to tell you something that never in a million years I thought I’d say.

Are you ready for this?

I miss the snow.

Seriously! All it ever does anymore is rain. Where’s the freakin’ snow this year???

Normally, I hate the snow and I’m already dying for it to disappear by this time of year. But there is no snow.  Only rain.  And more rain…. It barely felt like Christmastime this year.

Just look at this poor dude… Soaking wet roosters look miserable – not majestic.

Wet, muddy hens leave behind wet, muddy eggs in their nest boxes.  It’s gross..

The barnyard and pastures are disgusting.  The horses sink into them up to their knees and make deep holes.  At least if there were snow on the ground there would be less mud.  Or no mud at all, if everything were frozen solid.

So there is no snow. Nor are there any baby goats (yet). Nothing green is growing in the garden.  No interesting projects are going on.  Everything just seems “blah” and in limbo at the moment…   ~A