

September equals Sunflowers.  One of my favorite flowers on the farm is the sunflower. Every yard should have some. My only regret is that I didn’t plant more of them this year. Or more varieties!  I just can’t help smiling every time I look at them and see the bees going nuts over them.

This one I can’t take credit for planting…. but it sure is cute!

Did you know… Sunflower greens contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamin C, E, A, Folate, B complex and D.


The greens also contain lecithin, and that helps to break down fatty acids in your body. Amen to that. Not to mention other important minerals – calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Future Cantaloupe

Older Sunflower plant leaves can be used as an infusion to treat high fevers.  I had no idea… Good to know if the zombie apocalypse ever goes down.


At the moment, I have a large, live sunflower plant that doubles as a stake to steady one of my young fig trees.  They’re unbelievably strong plants. They have to be, in order to hold up those huge flowered heads full of seeds.


I’m going to try sprouting some tiny sunflower micro greens and see how it goes. I picture them as a great topping on sandwiches, soup, in salads, in pasta… Oh the possibilities!

Of course the cocky rooster had to pose for the picture : )

And did I mention the Bees go nuts over the pollen filled flowers? And the world sure could use more bees… ~A