That mess…

Rabbit NestAny idea what that mess up there is?  Arrow 

No?  Hmmmm, then I’ll let you think about it for a minute, while I ramble…

It’s finally Friday and time to relax into the Memorial Day weekend. What are your plans for the next three days?

My cousin and his wife are visiting me this weekend, so I know I’ll be trying to tidy up the house this evening, along with the other farm chores that need to be done. Leftover spicy sausage pasta will have to suffice for my dinner tonight – I’ll have no time to cook.

My guests arrive Saturday and will leave on Sunday.  Monday will be all mine! The weather is supposed to be nice, and the beehives need inspected.  I’m afraid they’re not starting off so well this year.  There aren’t many bees and we may have lost a Queen.

Also it really didn’t help that I “bumped” one of the hives last week with the big tractor and knocked it completely over and upside down (#Wine)  It’s a good thing it wasn’t later in the summer, when it would’ve been be stacked five boxes high with a bunch of pissed off bees protecting their honey.  My ass would’ve been in huge, huge trouble…. Literally speaking.

Oh hey! – did you figure out what you were looking at yet? Or are you still trying to guess what was in the picture?  Here’s a clue….


Still guessing? You’re looking at a nest box full of rabbit hair… This ↑ rabbit has pulled out a bunch of her fur to make a nice warm nest.  She’s due to give birth any time now.                   I wonder how many she’ll have?  ~A 

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