The Toad…

On a small farm, where time seemed to slow and the natural world held a touch of magic, there lived a girl named Amanda. She had hair the color of golden wheat fields and eyes that sparkled like the morning dew.  Her heart beat in rhythm with the earth itself. Her days were filled with wonder and curiosity, and she had a special bond with her farm and the land it rested upon.

Each day, Amanda would rise early. Her heart drawn to the promise of the sunrise and the secrets it whispered. Guided by the soft light of dawn, she would make her way around the farm, where patches of wildflowers stretched like vibrant carpets, and the air was alive with the crowing of a proud and vibrant rooster.

The rooster was very charming; his feathers shimmered with shades of gold and copper, and his “crow” was a melody that danced across the fields. Amanda called him “Ray”, for he seemed to capture the very essence of the sun’s brilliance.

One day, as Amanda wandered among the wildflowers, she discovered toad with  black spots upon its back. Its eyes held a shimmer of gold and hint of mischief, and its “croak” carried a serene wisdom that piqued Amanda’s curiosity.

“Good-day, kind toad,” Amanda greeted the creature. “What brings you to my humble little farm?”

The toad’s response was soft yet profound. “I am a guardian of the land, dear Amanda,” it seemed to convey. “I watch over the wildflowers, the creatures, and the balance of nature. Would you care to join me for a walk?”


Amanda’s heart danced with joy as she followed the toad along on its path. Together, along with the rooster, they traversed the fields breathing in the sweet fragrance of wildflowers and basking in the warmth of the sunrise. The air seemed to hum with an ancient magic, and Amanda felt a deep connection with the land that surrounded her.

As the sun climbed higher, the toad led Amanda to a corner of the farm where the earth was rich and dark. There, rows of delicious carrots had sprouted, a testament to the farm’s abundant vitality.

“These carrots are a gift from the earth and the sunrise.,” the toad proclaimed. “Their flavor contains the very essence of dawn within them.”

With the toad’s guidance, Amanda picked the most delectable little carrots from the ground, their earthy scent mingling with the freshness of the morning air. She knew these carrots would become a meal that would fill her taste buds with delight.

Once back in her kitchen preparing the carrots that afternoon, Amanda reflected on her magical morning. She found herself quite inspired by all she had experienced and thought to herself… “If only everyone could experience the crow of a rooster, the beauty in a sunrise, the wisdom of a toad, and the scent of the wildflowers, the world would surely be a better place.”  ~A

(P.S.  For privacy reasons, the Rooster asked that I not disclose his real name…)




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September 23, 2023 1:15 PM

Hey Amanda, once you retire from the “G” company, you might try your hand at writing. : )