2020 Could Be Worse…

There are 155 days left in this ridiculous year of 2020.  A lot could happen during that length of time.  A lot of bad things.  Which is why I’m drying and burning as much sage as I can, with the hope it will offer some protection from all the evil shit out there.  Actually, I’m really just drying it to keep on hand for cooking all those wonderful cool-weather meals in the coming months. Though burning a little now surely won’t hurt…

Sage Leaves


The sunflowers are doing really well this year with all the heat.  The birds, bees and other pollinators are are loving them.


If you stand next to the flowers quietly and listen, all the bees’ buzzing will nearly put you in a trance.  Or send you running off like a mad horse, if you don’t like stingy-things buzzing around you.  Personally, I love the buzzing sounds.



This poor Rooster died the other day.  And I can’t figure out why. There were no injuries that I could find.  No blood.  No wheezing.  No signs of heat exhaustion.  Nothing…


At first I thought he was just terrified of the huge thunderstorm that had just taken place, because I found him hiding in a hen’s nest.  So I put him back outside, but he just stood around, quiet.  Later he was back in the nest hiding his face again. The next morning the Farm Boy found him upside down on the ground, stiff as a board. He received a proper burial in the compost pile.


A few days ago I took a nice walk back to the woods, to admire my beautiful, lush hay field along the way.

Mon Abri Farm

I’m totally kidding – my hay field sucks.  Actually it more than sucks, and so does the hay that comes from it.  It needs re-sown and fertilized.  Hell, I’m thinking I might just fence it all in and buy a couple of cows.



So, what I really walked back to the woods for, was to check on the blackberries and see if they were getting ripe yet.  But everything is “off” this year, so no surprise the blackberries were not ready yet.  But I can wait.

Sunrise on the Farm

And while I’m waiting on the blackberries I’ll keep myself busy, burning sage and hoping the next 155 days left in this ridiculous year of 2020 are filled with more light than darkness, and things start looking brighter. ~A

What I was doing last year at this time…
