A quick peek inside the barn…

I saw something disturbing the other day – but not surprising…  One of my “teenage” chickens was frantically running around the barnyard, being chased down by a handful of other teenage chickens.

I soon discovered why. The little clucker had something tasty dangling from it’s mouth and the others wanted a piece of it…  “It” happened to be a newly hatched, naked baby bird that had fallen from, or been thrown from its nest. The chicken scooped it up and ran off to devour it. Chickens love fresh meat.

Now that you probably also feel slightly disturbed/disgusted after reading that story, wanna take a quick look and see who’s in the barn?

The Barn

The horses are all chilling out munching on some hay…

Thoroughbred Horse

The Appaloosa…

“Dottie” is across the aisle from the other two horses, and munching away.  Dottie is a “Snowflake” Appaloosa.  This color pattern is pretty rare.  Also, if you’ve ever wondered what it’d be like to ride a “Snowflake” Appaloosa Rodeo Bronco, then come on over. I’ll grab my stopwatch.  : )

Appaloosa Horse

The Thoroughbreds…

This is “Maggot” (“Yelp” is his real name).  He was a racehorse, and the very first horse I ever won a race on, back when I was a jockey. He’s old (age 21), and blind in one eye. I’ve owned him since he was a five years old.

Grey Horse

And next is ‘Tolik.”  He’s wondering if I’ve brought him any treats. Tolik is very pushy and likes to get right up in your face.  Sometimes he likes to bite people, but mostly he’ll just push you around and demand treats. Which is why he doesn’t get them very often. Tolik was also a racehorse, but I never got the chance to ride him in any races.


The Clowns Goats…

Wow. What would my life be like without these nut jobs? “Chiba” is on the right, and we’ll call the other one “Jugs” for now – she’s on the left.  Behind the two ladies are Jugs’ two sons.  “Jar Jar Binx’, who I’ll be keeping, and the other little buck (no name) will be sold next month.


The Ducks…

There are only two ducks left now.  A predator (probably coyotes) came through and took the other four in just one day. Sadly, ducks never last for more than a year or so on my farm. They don’t move fast enough, and they don’t go and roost up high at night like chickens do. Easy prey.


The Rabbits…

I have three rabbits, but I thought I’d just show you the useless doe rabbit, who keeps killing her babies. I think I’m going to invite her to be my dinner “guest” sometime in the near future.


So that’s it for the quick barn tour today. But where are all the chickens?  Those barbaric little shits are all outside running around frantically, looking for new victims.  ~A 

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