Foraging for Breakfast in my Pajamas

I did a little “foraging” again the other day.  I was craving an interesting breakfast, so off I went out my back door to find it.  Yep, just wandering around the farm on a crisp spring morning, stomping through the tall dewy grass in nothing more than plaid pajamas and flip flops – searching for my breakfast

The chickens had absolutely no idea of what sense to make of my clearly ill-chosen “foraging attire,” but can you guess what I found around the farm yard?

Foraged Foods

Once back in the kitchen, I marveled at my discoveries from my little excursion and decided an omelet would be made. I’m lucky that I have chickens. I’m almost never without fresh eggs from the hens.

Along with my foraged finds, I also added Feta cheese, Kalamata olives, onions and red pepper to my omelet, which I already had on hand.

And of course, I poured a steaming hot cup of black coffee… a must-have in the morning.

My semi-foraged breakfast was beyond fantastic, and I was left wishing I had made just a little bit more…

With zero shame, I stuffed my face with every possible bite I could scrape up…

And if you are still trying to guess which foods were foraged, maybe this will help…

Foraged greens

The eggs came from my hens of course, and the asparagus, dandelion, wild garlic and wild onion were all collected from my backyard. The onion and red pepper, as mentioned, I already had.  ~A