“Level 47”

I’ve reached what I like to refer to as “Level 47.”  Today is my 47th birthday, or as the Farm Boy put it: “You’ve spent 17,166 days on Earth so far.”  *ouch*

I have some quirky traditions that I keep each birthday.  First, I have a glass of wine and watch the sunrise (if there is one) and thank God for all the birthdays I’ve been given to celebrate thus far.  Then, at some point in the day, I’ll write a few quick notes to my future self to be opened on my next birthday.  I then seal those notes in an envelope and stash it away until next year. Next, I’ll open and read last year’s Birthday notes to myself. And maybe cry a little… or laugh hysterically.

I won’t tell you what I write in these notes, but it’s along the lines of what I hope to accomplish during the year, what my thoughts and feelings are at the moment, what’s happening in my life at this time, and some other private things. It’s something I’ve done for years and its always been somewhat enlightening and entertaining opening up these envelopes each year. You should seriously try it.

On this particular birthday, I’ll be spending the day volunteering at a local charity, which the company I work for is sponsoring this year.  I’m looking forward to it.

For dinner, I’ll be making myself a pork tenderloin using my favorite recipe, with a tenderloin from a hog that I raised here on the farm. Definitely looking forward to that…

Last, I’ll end my birthday holding to my tradition of spending some time with my farm animals and watching the sunset (if there is one) sipping another glass of wine (heck, let’s be honest – a bottle), reflecting over past years, and feeling grateful for how truly blessed I am. ~A

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