Second Hive Inspection of the Bees

On Sunday the Farm Boy and I opened up the hives for the next inspection.  We had to work quickly, before the sun disappeared and the rain and crappy weather returned.  We’ll inspect them every week for now, and then cut down to every 2 weeks once everything is well established. You can click HERE to see how the first inspection went.

The bees have been busy since the last inspection – building up comb, laying eggs, and capping. This next photo is what is referred to as “Burr Comb” but also known as “Bridge or Brace Comb” and should be removed each time so that it doesn’t interfere with moving the frames around within the hive. It’s beeswax. You can use it to make fun things.

Burr CombAll the excess wax from the hives will be saved for future projects. Candles maybe? I do know I’ll try using some for homemade lip balm…

The bees are so mesmerizing to watch up close. It could seriously put you into some kind of trance…

I still really have a hard time understanding why they don’t attack and sting the hell out of me each time we open the hives.  So far, so good.

These photos (above & below) show the larvae (baby bees) and the worker bees sealing them up until they grow to full stage and can then come out and become the new young workers and drones of the hive community.

Bee larvae

Next week’s peek into the hive should be even more exciting as another week passes and the bees keep growing babies and filing out more frames. And maybe, just maybe, it will even stop raining long enough to get my damn grass mowed. ~A

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