
I can’t believe it’s already mid-November. There are also only 37 more days until Winter. Yet, it definitely feels like 100% Winter!

Snowy woodland

And how can it almost be Thanksgiving already?  Not to mention, in 30 days my crazy family will be pulling into my driveway for the annual Family Christmas Gathering.  Time is passing way too fast these days.

Winter Driving

Quite a bit of snow has fallen over the past two evenings.  The duck doesn’t mind it.  She’s ready to leave the barn as soon as I fling the doors open. She prefers to be out and about, making her rounds by 5 am.  A real-life early bird.

Pekin Duck in the snow

I’ve been getting her used to staying in the barn at night now, due to the coyotes and freezing weather.  She’s claimed for herself a nice spot to make a nest near the rabbit cages and lays an egg for me about every morning.

Winter snow on the farm

This Rooster was not so sure about the snow this morning and was the only chicken who ventured out of the barn.

Rooster in the snow

My commute to work yesterday morning took just over 1.5 hours. Normally it is just an hour. Ice, snow and strong winds… such fun!

Rush hour commute in a blizzard

At least there is one fun thing happening to take my mind off the shitty weather – I finally made a decision and bought some new living room furniture, now that I have the dogs contained from that room.

Snowy walk in the woods

It’s nothing fancy, my funds were lean, but sufficient until I can get that real Chesterfield down the road someday.  The two loveseats are due to arrive tomorrow, followed by the couch a week or so later.

Snow on trees

I’m so excited to have an updated living room for the holidays. I can’t wait to decorate! By the way, with Thanksgiving falling so late in the month this year, is now too early to start unpacking the Christmas decorations? When do you start decorating? ~A