Old Gems #1 Heavenly Rice & Omelets

As a promised project for Wednesdays, here’s today’s “old gem,”  pulled from the old book and titled “Heavenly Rice.”  So here’s to Becky Harper! (Whoever she was…)


I was actually thrilled to find this recipe because I remember it being served in the cafeteria when I was in grade school.  And I thought it was the absolute best! But damn, I haven’t tasted or seen it since third grade.  Maybe, I’ll make some for the holidays.  Because we all have so much time on our hands…

And below is a page excerpt from the book itself



Lesson XLV “Eggs and Omelets” brings us a White Sauce Omelet and a Baked Omelet.  I bet your mouth is just watering now, isn’t it!  Actually, I’m curious to try the white sauce omelet. Maybe this weekend, with some ham, if my hens cooperate…~A