Goals, Death and Relationships


The holiday season is upon us now. It’s the time of year when many of us start pondering over what we wanted to do this past year but never got around to.  Or, if we are lucky, all we accomplished that we never even thought possible.  And of course, we start thinking about what we want to achieve next year.  Goals. Resolutions.  Whatever you want to call it…


Personally, I was not a fan of this past year.  I’m happy to say good-bye to it. Too many people I knew died; I was in an ugly place in my relationships with people; I didn’t really accomplish much on the farm (with a broken arm) this summer.  And mostly, I let too many people take up too much of my time. These were people who mainly just left me feeling drained and irritated. It wasn’t their fault.  Well, most of them anyway… I just feel like my summer was stolen from me. But I can only blame myself.


The farm animals are having a wonderful season – no major snow so far. My neighbors and I are still putting our horses out on pasture, and the grass is still growing.  And this weekend the temperatures will be in the mid 60’s!  I keep thinking to myself that if I only had a hoop house I would be planting loads of lettuce seed and eating some really nice salads at the end of the year. And salads would be way better that the four holiday chocolates I just devoured… ~A
