Thankful Thursdays 7.28.16

The weekend is almost here, with the weatherman’s promise of a few thunderstorms, which means I won’t have to water the gardens as much and it’ll be perfect weather to stay inside and begin the canning!  That, I am thankful for.  And I’m also thankful for this big-ass heirloom tomato I picked from the garden last night…


This was that tomato last week, remember?


Isn’t she a beauty? Tomato season is in full swing and, aside from canning them, I am so looking forward to using some of these lovelies in a few recipes over the weekend.  I know for sure I’ll be making a nice big homemade pizza tomorrow night.  I’ll roast the tomatoes in the oven, smash them up and use them as my sauce, then top the pizza with cheese, more tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil and yellow squash…because I have an infinite supply of insanely productive yellow squash at the moment.


And of course, there will have to be some sort of pasta dish to make with heirloom tomatoes, vegetables and fresh homemade pasta. And maybe a few other things as well (more.yellow.squash).


Another thing I’m looking forward to this weekend – the green beans will be ready to start picking.  Those are always great roasted and tossed into salads, or pasta.  Ah, pasta…  I just ordered one of those Eppicotispai Garganelli and Gnocchi Stripper boards yesterday, but I doubt it will arrive before the weekend is over. And I doubt I’ll ever know how to pronounce the name of the board. But I do know I’ll have fun making pasta with it!

So what are all of you cooking up this weekend?  Anything special?  I’d love to hear! ~A