The Bean Scene

It’s been so hot, and the humidity hangs like a thick damp blanket.  The locusts are buzzing loud and furious, letting everyone know August is here. And it’s odd, but July already seems so long ago.

I haven’t posted in a while. It’s not because I didn’t want to. I’ve missed you. I hope you forgive my absence, but I’m being held slave to this magical, metal, hissing Beast…


And this bountiful over-flowing August Garden…


And these beans…


The beans!  They’re insane… And they keep coming! Covering my table and counter tops like piles of wild, fat green earthworms.


But I know exactly how to tame them…


Chop like mad and tuck them away into the pantry for later…


No worries. I only have about 30 or so jars left to fill.  I hope. With beans anyway…  ~A