What you need to try with stale pretzels!

The Problem…

I stood blankly staring into my pantry late the other night.  I wanted something, but I didn’t know what. You know that feeling.  We’ve all been there.

To my left was an unopened bag of dark chocolate morsels (I like to snack on these).  To the right of me a stale, sad, nearly empty bag of pretzels. Which were broken into pieces from being opened and closed forty-two times.  In other words – a pretzel bone yard.

The Solution…

“Hmmmm…”  I though to myself, (out loud).  Then it hit me…  “Chocolate and Pretzels.”  OMG!  Chocolate Covered Pretzels!  I can make Chocolate Covered Pretzels!!!  I think?

Truth is, I’m not much a dessert maker. Zero skill in this area at all.  Mainly because I suck at following directions and I love breaking rules.

Dark Chocolate

I didn’t have a recipe for making chocolate pretzels, but really, how the hell hard could it possibly be?

I lightly toasted the broken pieces of stale pretzels (along with some chopped walnuts) in the toaster over to bring them back to life.  While the pretzels toasted, I melted some dark chocolate morsels with 1/2 tsp of butter in a makeshift double boiler.

(You could use a microwave to melt the chocolate but microwaves are evil and I refuse to own one.)

The Result…

Once the chocolate was all melty-gooey, I stirred in the pretzels to coat them, then pulled out the pieces with tongs and laid them on wax paper to cool. And I sprinkled on the nuts.

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

The chocolate covered pretzels came out perfect (crunchy) and tasted like what you’d get from a candy shop.  I was surprised how easy this was, since I’ve never made many candy treats of any sort.

Dark Chocolate-Covered Pretzels


Salty-sweet, dark chocolate goodness. So now you know what to do with an old bag of stale, broken pretzel pieces. ~A