February Farm Updates

Ah, the last week of February…  The final dark days and winter will soon be coming to an end. “Mud Season” has already begun.

So what’s been going on here at the farm?


The two baby goats (“Butter Nuts & Hydro”) will be eight weeks old next week.  And much to the relief of Farm Boy and me, we have started weening them off their bottles this week.  Both attack their grain and hay like ravenous beasts and their bellies are getting fat. There should be no problem with weening.

It was cute feeding them bottles twice a day, but towards the end it’s become a real pain in the ass. We’re tired of mixing goat milk and cleaning bottles.


The chickens have only slightly started increasing their egg production. It seems like they’re behind this year.  We’re only getting 2-4 eggs per day currently.  And I have at least two, probably three, roosters that need to be murdered and sent to “freezer camp.”

I’ve been lazy and putting it off due to the weather.


I also can’t begin to explain to you how much freaking self-control it’s taking me to not put these eggs into the incubator.  I’m forcing myself to wait until the second week of March to get the eggs started this year.  Hopefully, the hens will be producing more eggs by then. If you’re a chicken person, you understand my struggle.

So yeah, this gorgeous batch will not become chicks.

New Projects

Speaking of the Farm Boy, he’s been busy this past week prepping an area around the fig tree for a new adventure we’ll bee starting this spring.  Indoor work on the project is already underway, and we’ll bee setting things up outside sometime in April if all goes as planned.

And If you missed any hints I gave you as to what the project might bee, then you’re probably buzzed from drinking too much Mead or something… ~A